This is a free archive of

The archive here, is a cache, like google, bing, yahoo, yandex,,, and many others.

The owner of XenTax is holding peoples own information/posts/attachements ransom for money.
Under GDPR this is illegal, which states a provider cannot charge for client data/information.
The users own their data, not the owner.

Below, are free mirrors of the XenTax forum, including WGETS, Mirrors, Caches.

Xen-Tax Forum Mirror (Has some pages missing as the owner blocked people saving copies).
Xen-Tax Forum WGET Download, A copy of the above content, which extracts to over 13GB, taken by us on October 10th, 2023.
XenTax Forum WARC (August 15th, 2023) by soapp.
XenTax WIKI (August 11th, 2023) by soapp.
XenTax WIKI (October 08th, 2023) by DigitalDragons.

This archive is not approved or endorsed by the owners of